Build a subscription integration
This guide describes how to sell a fixed-price monthly subscription offering using Flex
At this point you should have a flex account, access to the partner dashboard, and have gone through the onboarding process of adding your payout information with Stripe.
Below we walk through a full example of how to integrate Flex Checkout into your checkout flow.
Create an API Key in the partner dashboard
In the partner dashboard, navigate to the Developers section. Here we will find an API Keys tab where you can create an API Key to interact with Flex.
Select the New API Key
button and give your API Key a name. With this key we can now interact with
the Flex API.
Define a product to sell
Always keep sensitive information about your product inventory, such as price and availability, on your server to prevent customer manipulation from the client. Define product information when you create the Checkout Session using predefined price IDs or on the fly with price_data.
For this example we've created a product that is eligible via a letter of medical necessity. To learn more about creating products and their eligibility review the Product docs or Product API.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer fsk_MzkxYzU2MTAtZGYxOC00OWUyLThlODQtYTA0ODMwNjhiYmVm' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"product": {"name": "Test Product","description": "Test Product Description","visit_type": "gym","hsa_fsa_eligibility": "letter_of_medical_necessity"}}'
The response we get back is:
"product": {
"product_id": "fprod_01HW5MXAPBE79RHMMJJGB4ACAB",
"name": "Test Product",
"description": "Test Product Description",
"created_at": "2024-04-23T14:14:16.029253Z",
"visit_type": "gym",
"active": true,
"upc_code": null,
"gtin": null,
"hsa_fsa_eligibility": "letter_of_medical_necessity"
Define the pricing model
Given the product_id
that was returned to in the previous payload we'll define a pricing model where we'll charge
$49.99 every month
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer fsk_MzkxYzU2MTAtZGYxOC00OWUyLThlODQtYTA0ODMwNjhiYmVm' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"price": {"product": "fprod_01HW5MXAPBE79RHMMJJGB4ACAB","description": "Our awesome new price","unit_amount": 4999,"recurring": {"interval": "monthly"}}}'
The response we get back is:
"price": {
"price_id": "fprice_01HWDV9J9JWY5SDFJZNFXN5S6P",
"description": "Our awesome new price",
"unit_amount": 4999,
"price": 4999,
"recurring": {
"interval": "monthly",
"trial_period_days": null
"active": true,
"product": "fprod_01HW5MXAPBE79RHMMJJGB4ACAB",
"created_at": "2024-04-26T18:39:43.93664Z",
"type": "recurring",
"metadata": null
Supply success and cancel URLs
Specify URLs for success and cancel pages—make sure they’re publicly accessible so Flex can redirect customers to them. You can also handle both the success and canceled states with the same URL.
Build your checkout
On your site you should have an order preview page. On the order preview page you will add a button that will trigger your server to generate a checkout session.
Generate a checkout session
On the server you will generate a checkout session.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer fsk_MzkxYzU2MTAtZGYxOC00OWUyLThlODQtYTA0ODMwNjhiYmVm' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"checkout_session": {"line_items": [{"price": "fprice_01HWDV9J9JWY5SDFJZNFXN5S6P","quantity": 1}],"success_url": "","mode": "subscription","cancel_url": ""}}'
Redirect users to checkout
The response we got back looks like:
"checkout_session": {
"allow_promotion_codes": false,
"amount_total": 4999,
"amount_subtotal": 4999,
"cancel_url": "",
"capture_method": "automatic",
"checkout_session_id": "fcs_01HWDVDMWQT1N8TJJYDWKW4ZHZ",
"created_at": 1714156917,
"customer": null,
"customer_email": null,
"defaults": {
"email": null,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"phone": null
"expires_at": 1714160517,
"invoice": null,
"hsa_fsa_eligible": true,
"letter_of_medical_necessity_required": true,
"metadata": null,
"mode": "subscription",
"multiple_subscriptions": false,
"payment_intent_id": null,
"redirect_url": "http://localhost:3000/pay/c/fcs_01HWDVDMWQT1N8TJJYDWKW4ZHZ",
"setup_intent": null,
"shipping_options": null,
"shipping_address_collection": false,
"shipping_details": null,
"status": "open",
"success_url": "",
"subscription": null,
"tax_rate": null,
"test_mode": false,
"total_details": {
"amount_discount": 0,
"amount_tax": null,
"amount_shipping": null
"visit_type": "gym"
Provision and monitor subscriptions
After the subscription signup succeeds, the customer returns to the success_url
specified, which initiates a checkout.session.completed
When you receive a checkout.session.completed
event, you can provision the subscription. Continue to provision for each billinging cycle as you receive
events. If you receive an invoice.payment_failed
event, notify your customer and perform the appropriate action your team
has decided at this moment.
To determine the next step for your system’s logic, check the event type and parse the payload of each event, such as invoice.paid. Store the subscription_id and customer_id event objects in your database for verification.
Try it out
Navigate to the redirect_url and use any of these tests cards to simulate a payment.
Payment succeeds: 4242424242424242
Payment is decline: 4000000000009995
If you have setup your webhooks, you should see the checkout.session.completed
upon a successful payment.
You have a basic subscriptions integration working!
Next Steps
Explore checkout sesession scenarios
Depending on your setup/business you may want to rely on additional parameters that are avaialable as part of the Checkout Session API. Some of the common scenarios, can be found here.